A hundred people we meet each day
Hellos, goodbyes we always say
We bow our head and tip our hat
And smile so nice right off the bat

But when they pass the sadness comes
For we didn’t say, not even once,
How we could share, in some small part,
Our inner life and our own true heart

As floating islands we seem to drift asea
Almost never whom we’d like to be
From afar we can see landfall
But dread getting close enough to hail a call

Our fears are strong of being rejected
Egos bruised and time being wasted
So we stay away and not get close
Assume the worst and take no blows

Our life is safe, our land pristine
Birds and bees to keep it clean
Human souls we do not allow
Unless they give a "no trespassing" vow

And even then we close the door
Worry much and pace the floor
We do not show our inner self
Its always put upon the highest shelf

So much alone we spend our life
Its very safe and has no strife
We do not risk ever feeling pain
Letting people in to bring the rain

The problem is our hearts are sere
The soil is arid, the ground austere
The soul will die if its not tended
With human kindness and feelings scented

Our borders open we should always have
To those who smile and don’t carry bad
For they will till the land in different ways
And fill our soul with love and sunny days.

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